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The Inniss Firm, PLLC

About The Inniss Firm, PLLC

DWI & Criminal Defense Lawyer NY

What To Do When Facing DWI Charges In The Hudson Valley Counties Of Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess, Putnam, Orange, Ulster And Sullivan.

Human beings are fallible, and everyone makes mistakes throughout their lives. Making mistakes can be part of our learning and growth processes, and at the very least can be considered a normal part of the human experience.

Unfortunately, some mistakes are bigger than others, and some of those bigger mistakes come with very serious consequences. If you have ever found yourself on the wrong side of the law, in a DUI context or any other criminal context, you know how quickly and severely a decision that you made in a split second can impact the rest of your life. You could wake up one morning in one phase of your life, with lots of possibilities ahead of you, and then go to bed that night in another phase of your life, with your options narrowed significantly.

It is very easy to see how people facing the Courts and the criminal justice system can feel like their fate is already sealed. It is very easy to see the odds stacked against you and assume that you are already doomed—that your life is already over—before the trial process even begins.

It is certainly true that New York State and the United States Federal Government both take criminal acts very seriously. It is true that they both tend to be harsh with offenders and in some circumstances do not shy away from dolling out punishments under the full extent of the law. However, one of those foregone conclusions is not true: it is not true that your fate is already sealed, and there is nothing that can be done to help you.

There is help if you are facing a DUI or other criminal charges, and it will come to you in the form of an experienced, knowledgeable criminal and DUI defense attorney. A defense attorney who is well-versed in New York state law can make all the difference when it comes to the outcome of your case. They will know how to examine every angle of your case and build defenses with the best chance of getting you back to your life before you were charged. They know where to look for vulnerabilities in the prosecution’s case, and may be able to get your charges reduced or even outright dismissed. There is no question of whether you have a better chance with or without a New York DUI defense attorney. The answer across the board is that it is essential to have the attorney possible on your side when facing a New York State Judge.

In Hudson Valley, NY, that attorney is DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney Randall F. Inniss.

DWI Attorney In Hudson Valley NY

(Former State Trooper With Over 22 Years Of Investigative Experience With DWI’s, Misdemeanors, And Felonies)

Experienced DWI Attorney In Rockland County - Randall Inniss

Randall is a New York City native who currently resides in the Hudson Valley region. He attended and graduated from public schools. Before attending law school, Randall became a New York State Trooper at age 21. Assignments included Binghamton, NYC, Buffalo and many neighboring cities, townships and regions.

Randall completed his undergraduate studies at Binghamton University with honors, graduating with a B.S. in Social Science (minor in Criminal Justice.) With 11 years of state police service, Randall attended the University at Buffalo School of Law while working full-time as a State Police Investigator.

After completing his Juris Doctorate in 3 years, Randall taught criminal justice part-time at Genesee Community College. He later pursued and was graduated with an LL.M. degre (Criminal Law) from the University at Buffalo School of Law. After an accomplished approximate 22 year State Police career primarily working complex criminal investigations at the state and federal levels, Randall was hired by the National Basketball Association (NBA), one of only four premier global professional sports leagues in the U.S..

The Combined Skills And Experience Your Case Deserves!

The integration and evolution of experience! I incorporate over 22 years of law enforcement with 17 years of admittance as an attorney to scrutinize and evaluate your case and charges or allegations against you. The hands-on experience of actually cultivating cases from the ground up and making arrests adds perspective! From personally making dozens of DWI/DUI arrests as a state trooper to internships in District Attorneys and Attorney General’s offices, to investigating complex narcotics organizations on the state and federal levels (as a cop), to handling homicides, my clients receive a rare but pertinent background and wealth of applicable experience not common among the criminal defense bar.

Let’s discuss your case! Strategize about your defense. Do you have special issues? Do you hold a state professional license such as, for example, a nurse, a teacher or an accountant? Do you hold a carry-permit pursuant to your professional position that may be jeopardized with a conviction, as well as your employment, such as a Corrections Officer or other peace or police officer? Do you hold a blue collar or professional position where a conviction for a crime could place your employment in jeopardy? Call me for a complimentary case strategy session to discuss your case. Dial (845) 533-0265.

Are you an immigrant who has been arrested? Whether you hold undocumented status or a green card, a criminal conviction can significantly impact your future in this country. If you are an immigrant who has been arrested, your legal representation and how your case is resolved is key to your future in the United States. (845) 533-0265!

The NBA Hired Me To Teach Its Players About Police Stops

The NBA Hired Me To Teach Its Players About Police Stops

In many criminal matters and certainly with DWI (DUI), the case hinges on the stop! The traffic or initial police encounter, that is. For 9 years I trained the world’s most recognizable professional athletes, NBA players, how to safely handle police traffic stops and law enforcement encounters generally. After a 22 year law enforcement career initiating and being involved in hundreds in not well over a thousand arrest and encounters, I can speak toward the intricacies of what to do and how to proceed to resolve your matter if an arrest was made.

My background in law enforcement and advanced legal qualifications (J.D. and Criminal Law LL.M. Degrees) is rare but, more importantly, can be essential to discerning legal strategies to apply in your defense. The unique combined background and skill set can be useful in your current legal strategy and criminal case!

Need Quality Legal Help In Middletown, New York?

Have you been arrested for a DUI in Orange County’s Middletown? A former State Trooper, attorney Randall Inniss can meet with you, review your case, and get to work providing the tailored, insightful legal help you need.

No one understands the nuances, procedures, and laws surrounding DUI arrests like a law enforcement officer. And few attorneys are better prepared to represent their clients, find evidence in their defense, and examine the legality and validity of their stop than DUI attorney Randall Inniss.

With offices conveniently located in Wallkill, New York, The Inniss Firm is centrally located to get you the rapid, attentive legal help you need, right here in Orange County.

A DUI conviction can impact your professional licensure, career plans, and educational opportunities for years to come. Allow former State Trooper Randall Inniss to examine the evidence against you and fight these charges with unmatched skill and insight.

Client Testimonials

What Can Hudson Valley, NY DUI And Criminal Defense Attorney Randall F. Inniss Do For Me?

One of Attorney Inniss’ areas of focus is DUI defense, with sub-specialties in several DUI and DWI-related charges. These include:

  • DUI/DWI: This is the standard DUI/DWI charge in New York. It refers to driving while under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or marijuana.
  • Driving with Over .08% BAC: This charge refers to driving with a BAC, or Blood Alcohol Content, over the legal limit.
  • Driving While Ability is Impaired (DWAI): This charge refers to driving while your BAC is under .08%, but you still have drugs and/or alcohol in your system, and your driving is impaired.
  • Aggravated Driving While Intoxicated: If you are charged with an Aggravated DWI, it likely means that you are being accused of driving with a BAC of 0.18% or more. This charge comes with more severe potential penalties than standard DUI/DWI charges.
  • Driving While Ability is Impaired by Drugs (DWAID): This charge refers to a DUI/DWI without the presence of alcohol. It is used when the driver is being accused of drug rather than alcohol intoxication while driving.
  • Driving While Ability is Impaired by a Combination of Alcohol and Drugs. This charge refers to driving while both alcohol and drugs are present as intoxicating factors.
  • Driving While Intoxicated with a Child Less Than 16 Years of Age in the Car. This charge is also known as a violation of LeAndrea’s Law. It is taken very seriously and comes with elevated sentencing.

Attorney Inniss also offers other criminal defense services, including defense against the majority of New York State crimes and offenses, including:

  • Traffic Crime, Traffic Violations, and Tickets
  • CDL and Trucker Violations (including overweight driving, NY HUT tickets, and Safety Ratings challenges)
  • Drug Possession and/or Sales (including marijuana, narcotics, and illegal prescription drugs)
  • Internet Crime
  • Harassment
  • Larceny
  • Domestic Violence Charges (including Harassment in the 2nd Degree, Assault, and “mandatory arrest” situations)
  • White Collar Crime and Embezzlement
  • Probation Violation
  • Criminally Negligent Homicide

If you or a loved one are in Hudson Valley, New York, and are facing a DUI/DWI or other criminal charges, Attorney Randall F. Inniss has got you covered. You deserve the highest level of legal representation, and the chance at a clean slate. Don’t wait. Reach out to The Inniss Firm at (845) 533-0265 today for a free case strategy session.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I agree with my colleague's answer. An inquiry should be made through the NYC Department of Corrections. If he had an attorney who represented him in the Probation Violation process, he should contact him or her as well. He might also, as a final resort, inquire through Probation concerning whether there is anything else outstanding but his primary source of inquiry should be through NYC Corrections.
I agree with the other attorneys that you should first speak with your parole officer concerning the steps to pursue an early medical release,
You should seek legal counsel concerning this arrest. The Public Defender can work out a plea deal on your behalf. It is, of course, in your favor that you have a clean criminal history. You are free to enter the 12 step program if you believe it will help in your personal development; however, if your purpose is to determine whether it will be beneficial in your particular case and jurisdiction I would first consult with your counsel. You appear to be a good candidate for an ACD (Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal.)
I agree with my colleague. An offense such as yours, similar to a violation, are sealed automatically in New York State.
I do not believe there should be an issue, absent some additional facts that you have not offered. My assumption is that you completed your probation. Absent some aspect you are not offering, such as not completing your probation or violating it in some fashion to the extent a warrant has been issued, you should be fine. In any event, I would certainly confirm with the Embassy while you are there.
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