Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs (DWAID):
This arrest and charge differs from a DWI. Typically, law enforcement is alleging that your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely is ‘Impaired’ by drugs. The drugs can be legal, such as prescription drugs administered or prescribed by a physician, or illegal (e.g., a narcotic drug such as heroin or cocaine.) There is no per se threshold amount in the law with drugs (i.e., such as the .08% that exists with alcohol.).Therefore, with a DWAID allegation, the officer only needs to demonstrate that probable cause existed to believe you were “Impaired” by drugs, not Intoxicated. Unlike with a DWI arrest, the court does not take or physically seize your driver’s license at arraignment when you are charged with Driving While Ability Impaired Drugs (DWAID).
If you or a loved one are in Hudson Valley, New York, and are facing a DUI/DWI or other criminal charges, Attorney Randall F. Inniss has got you covered. You deserve the highest level of legal representation, and the chance at a clean slate. Don’t wait. Reach out to The Inniss Firm at (845) 533-0265 today for a free case strategy session.

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